Ideal or Nothing
Blade Energy Partner Company
MetaRock Geo-mechanics Laboratory
Integrated PoroMechanics Institute
Geological Mechanics Technology Co., Ltd.
We have conducted a long-term research and cooperation projects with many top research teams in the world.
Geomechanical Team
l Younane N.Abousleiman - Dean at Department of Petroleum Engineering of University of Oklahoma, Director of Geomechanics and Seepage Mechanics Institute, President of the World Conference of Rock Mechanics, President of the American Society of Rock Mechanics
Drilling and Completion Engineering Team
l Mengjiao Yu - Professor of University of Tulsa, deputy director of the drilling research project team, SPE Distinguished Speaker
Reservoir Stimulation Team
l Dan Hill - Dean of School of Petroleum Engineering of Texas A&M University, President of the World Fracturing Assembly
l Ding Zhu - Professor at School of Petroleum Engineering of Texas A&M University, President of the SPE General Assembly
Enhanced Oil Recovery Team
l Fred P. Wang - Professor at University of Texas at Austin, special expert of US Economic Geology Bureau, MPG Distinguished Speaker
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